The Foreword to “Grandpa’s lonely, isn’t he?”
“Readers will find the artistry of the following pages rather amazing. Particularly touching is the emotional gestalt of the drawings, which capture a distinct humanity of the characters and are simply, fun.
“Grandpa is of canine descent, relishing in delight of his grandchild, who is a character worthy of Sendak (perhaps a shell-less juvenile tortoise), but agape with the wonder reflected in Grandpa’s countenance.
“In early scenes, excitement around childhood toys emanates from both of them. As the story progresses, one is reminded of an animated “It’s a Wonderful Life” capturing the warmth of a small-town, expressed in views of both the city and a cozy residential neighborhood.
“The characters are indeed good citizens, visiting their elderly neighbors, and patiently managing the pandemic via a pharmacy visit. Expressive depictions of a school classroom, museum, and library all suggest a pleasant familiarity, and the joy inherent in a child’s discovery of them, as well as Grandpa’s recognition of that joy.
“Even with the evident pandemic, optimism and hope come through – masks and all. May we all bring our children to this sense of comfort and wonder in these times!!”
– Thomas Carpenter, MD
Yale School of Medicine
Professor of Pediatric Endocrinology,
and of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation,
Dr. Carpenter’s writings have focused
on metabolic bone diseases in children.
In addition, he is the Medical Director of the
Yale-New Haven Hospital’s Research Unit.
About the Book:
“Grandpa’s lonely, isn’t he?” is being marketed
as Juvenile Fiction, with these BISAC Code designations:
More about the Book:
During the height of the COVID contagion, a youngster is worried about his Grandpa, who lives alone. Out of concern, they stay apart.
In toned black-and-white illustrations, we see their realities, in their respective homes.
In color illustrations, we see how they engaged prior to COVID, and how they imagine being together again.
The story serves as a tribute to all those – of all ages and backgrounds – who, by various means and strategies, managed to deal with the distancing, uncertainties, isolation, and loneliness of the COVID years.
At core, the story is about missing those we care about – about being missed, about being cared about.
May 2022
Still more about the Book:
About the Author:
Joseph Howard Cooper published book, movie, and stage-play appreciations at
the Huffington Post. His “Pauses and Moments” stories appeared at PsychologyToday.com.
His one-act plays were performed at the New Haven International Festival of Arts & Ideas. More recently, his screenplays – the semi-autobiographical “Life after Lebanon” and the whimsical “Escapes: The Grandpa Chronicles” – have been recognized in a dozen global film-festival script competitions.
Cooper’s own experience as a grandfather during the COVID-19 pandemic inspired “Grandpa’s lonely, isn’t he?”, his debut picture book. He lives in Culver City, California.

31 May 2021
Grandpa’s lonely, isn’t he? is a vibrant picture book about social distancing and family love.
In Joseph Howard Cooper’s picture book Grandpa’s lonely, isn’t he?, a lonely child reflects on changes brought about by COVID-19. Sheltering in place with his parents, a young dinosaur wonders where his grandpa is and how he is doing alone in his home without help. He asks his mother and father if his grandpa is able to cook, clean, and find entertainment on his own. While the boy plays imaginary games to fill his alone time, his grandpa is shown making his own fun until he is able to receive the vaccine and go on an adventure around town with his grandson.
Told more in pictures than in words, the story cycles through images of the child and his grandpa in their respective homes, participating in the activities that the boy discusses in brief. The realities of their experiences, from cooking and doing dishes to reading and playing chess, are rendered in black and white, while the products of the boy’s imagination, memories, and scenes after he is reunited with his grandpa are rendered in full, bright color. Elsewhere, the child’s parents explain to their son their reasons for sheltering in place…
The color illustrations are intricate works of art. Tiny details, as of the grandpa’s fishing hat and family photographs in the background, infuse the characters with personality and hint at their robust inner lives. Through these rich images, evidence of the boy’s extensive imagination grows over the course of the book; he dives into learning about dinosaurs and building impressive toy structures. Even the black-and-white pictures include myriad clever components, though some of these illustrations depart from the book’s central themes of finding joy and helping others in difficult times.
Grandpa’s lonely, isn’t he? is a vibrant picture book about social distancing in which a child expresses curiosity and concern for his family.
Foreword Clarion Review
July 20, 2022

An earnest kids’ story that aims to build resilience and optimism in young readers.
DATE: JUNE 17, 2022
Cooper’s debut illustrated picture book explores the changes and adjustments that families have had to manage during enforced separations during the Covid-19 pandemic.
As the story opens, a young, unnamed, apparently preschool-aged reptile misses his grandpa, a dog. He begins to wonder not only where his grandparent is, but also what he’s doing and who’s helping him without his close family members around, like they used to be.
The compassionate boy, who lives in a comfortable suburban setting with two parents and plenty of toys, has several worries and concerns about Grandpa; for instance, without assistance, how will grandpa keep his house clean, locate his glasses, or do his laundry?
DeWitt’s detailed illustrations begin as black-and-white line drawings but soon include full-color images that show the child playing with Grandpa at his house – flashbacks that effectively demonstrate the closeness of their relationship. In these scenes, readers see an energetic, involved grandparent who builds construction sets, plays make-believe, and is just about the best playmate any young reader could hope for…
An earnest kids’ story that aims to build resilience and optimism in young readers.
Review Posted Online: Aug. 4, 2022
ISBN: 978-1-03-912148-5
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For those who delve into social media history - even out of gentle curiosity - I can save you some trouble: I do not have – never had – a Facebook page, a Twitter account, or LinkedIn page; no Instagram or YouTube presence that I’m aware of; oh, and no Snapchat or TikTok, either. I gather that there are other significant social media avenues, but I haven’t traveled those, either. As to a Podcast – as with the above, I have not entered that realm, either.
When I learn how, I will endeavor to post news to this book’s website, and will try to respond to inquiries made to the book’s email. That said, I am a solo operation – squinting through bifocaled eyes as I apply arthritic fingers to a keyboard whose keys seem to be playing hide-and-seek with me.